Westminster Mile High Karate
Notice to Parents
In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), parents (or legal guardians) of children under 13 years of age must consent to collections, uses and disclosures of the personal information of their children collected by our business(s) website. Westminster Mile High Karate uploads the videos of live training of the classes for other students to watch and train. We only permit active students to utilize this system and it is not open to the general public.
If you have your child and or children’s camera or sound on during a live training session at our school they will be filmed and recorded. We then upload the live training video to our website that is accessible by our student base.
Your permission is required for the collection, use, or disclosure of your child’s personal information. Westminster Mile High Karate will not grant your child access to any website account unless you provide us with permission. Our business website accounts provide access to our training content, materials, and resources relating to our business programs, services and activities, including information pertaining to point systems, instructor messages, training curriculum and videos of live training sessions, student competitions, and more.
Verifiable Parental Consent
By selecting “Submit” on Westminster Mile High Karate Website I Hereby Grant Permission.
By signing and selecting “Submit” of this COPPA PARENTAL CONSENT FORM on Westminster Mile High Karate website, I the undersigned certify that I give permission and consent to having my child’s and or children’s image and voice being seen in the training videos for this website. I also understand these videos are for the virtual training platform and acknowledge that *NAME OF BUSINESS HERE will use the videos for other students and or clients to train by uploading them to this website.
I understand that should I not agree to this at any given time I have the right to the following two methods that will eliminate my child and or children from being seen or heard in the videos.
- I will not attend any live recorded training sessions.
- I may attend but I will shut off my device(s) microphone and camera so that my child will not be seen or heard.
I truthfully acknowledge that I have the choice to mute my microphone and turn off my camera on any and all devices before attending the training session, while live training is taking place and afterwards during the questions and answers with students and instructors so that I and or my child, and or children cannot be heard or seen on the video(s).
I hereby agree and have chosen to select submit as my proof of signature and that I am in agreement.
Note To All Parents:
You may revoke your consent at any time to refuse further collection and use of your child’s information by not turning on the mic or video during the training session.
If you desire to revoke this consent, please write down your revocation of consent, sign and mail to Westminster Mile High Karate address shown on the website.